Saturday, November 29, 2008

St. Nicholas of Myra

I just discovered that a movie about St. Nicholas is being made! I am very excited about this. Click here for more information about it. I have a special love for St. Nicholas. When I decided to join the Catholic Church I had a really hard time coming to grips with the saints. It felt blasphemous to me that there were statues of other people in church and that people prayed to anyone but Jesus. It made me very uncomfortable. In true fashion, God used my dislike and turned it into devotion. I really think God has the best sense of humor.

Anyway....when we had children it was very important to my husband that they believe in Santa. I really didn't like this idea but honored it. I decided to do some research into how Santa came to be and what did I discover......St. Nicholas. St. Nicholas was so selfless and embodied all that Christ taught about love that I couldn't help but love this saint. I was able to teach the boys about who Santa really was and what he was all about. St. Nicholas was my gateway to a great love of the saints.

I began to realize that the saints are people who lived their lives for Christ, often suffering because of it. They are wonderful role models for all of us. They are people we believe are sitting in Heaven with Jesus so why not ask them to pray for us? We ask that of each other and we're not face to face with God. So now I adore the saints. I try to teach the boys about these amazing men and women but by always showing them that what is amazing about their lives is that they lived to show the Love of Christ to the world. This is how we should be acting.

I hope this movie keeps that aspect of Nicholas. Thanks, St. Nick, for showing me the way! By the way, his feast day is December 6. Click here for some wonderful feast day ideas.

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