Friday, October 23, 2009


I sit here, at the laptop, thinking of the changes that are happening in our lives. I feel like a stream, flowing through the meadow, hitting the rocks and logs and feet of little ones catching frogs. I am awash in this world, beautiful but flowing quickly down stream. A pool of clean, clear water is waiting for me just ahead. Here there is time to wait, to sit and swirl and think.

Our life has been too busy, too crazy. It seems that so many people see this as normal. I guess I've always known we were abnormal. We tried, we really tried to do it like eveyone else: The two jobs, the kids in school, the activities.

It just doesn't work for us. We were miserable.

So....this Friday.....I will be no longer working, the kids will be un-enrolled (is this a word?) from school and we will again be a homeschooling family.

I can't wait to breathe again.


Amanda Jean said...

I hope the changes help your family. I think I strive for our family to be abnormal, too. We haven't had our kids in any outside activities except for school and church....I don't know how people keep up with it. I don't even want to try...

Elizabeth said...

Congratulations to you for the decision. I know you probably feel great to have just made the decision!!

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