Thursday, May 5, 2011

Finding Time

A paper pieced pillow I made for my office chair.
We all have the same amount of it, don't we. Time, I mean. Everyone is given 24 hours in each and every day. Of course we all have different responsibilities. Our needs and wants vary as much as the flowers that grow in the garden. Wonderful, isn't it? 

Now that I'm working full time I'm trying to figure out how to manage my time at home. Responsibilities have shifted in our home and I've been relieved of some duties that used to take up quite a bit of my time. Remembering that my lovely husband is more than capable of taking over the responsibility isn't usually too hard but letting go of my old role as Stay-At-Home-Homeschooling-Mother isn't as easy. I'm working on it.

I do adore my job. I love getting out of the house everyday and learning new things and talking with people who want and need help. It's very soul satisfying. I feel energized at the end of the day. I feel blessed to have been able to get a wonderful job so quickly when so many haven't.

So what's this post all about? It's about finding some balance in my life. I have loved writing this blog and cherish the memories that are stored here. For me it's not so much about who reads it, but that I have a snapshot of our life that I can refer to. A virtual photo album, if you like. I will continue, at my own pace. Just as I will continue to sew and garden and exercise and spend time with my family. 

Of course, there are things that I must make the decision to leave for now. I'm still not sure what they are. Some of them have left me just because they occur during the day when I'm at work: directly homeschooling, summer volunteering at VBS and Work Camp. There is sorrow in the leaving but joy in knowing that God is present in all that I do.

So my thoughts today are on time management. After I do what NEEDS to be done, what is left that I WANT to do? Food for thought.

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