Saturday, March 23, 2013


Crocuses. They warm my heart. Every. Year.
It's been quite a difficult year. Difficult in a good way. What an odd statement that last sentence seems. But, yes, difficult in a good way. Difficulties often make us grow in ways we could not imagine while going through them. 

I'll be 43 in a few weeks. I'm not sure how the years have gone this quickly. Yet, in many ways I feel I'm still beginning. Maybe I'm a late bloomer. It seems silly to be 43 and still unsure of where my life will lead. Yet, having lived those 43 challenging years, I'm wise enough to know that every day is a blessing and that the lessons each day brings will help me in the future, whatever that future brings.

The calendar tells me that we have passed the Vernal Equinox. Spring. It is here. At least in terms of the light that enters our days. It has been very cold this year. A direct contrast to last year's warmth. 

I'm closing in on the end of my Montessori Internship. In a few months I'll be an officially certified Montessorian. I can then call myself a TEACHER. Until I have my own classroom, I don't think I will be able to tell people I'm a teacher. Just yesterday at the doctor's office the nurse asked if I was a teacher and I couldn't say "yes." I just said, "I work in a Montessori school." 

I hope in the next year to be able to say "I'm a teacher." I feel like I've longed to say those words for years. Yet, I'm not quite there.

Sometimes you are led to something by the Creator but your understanding of the Gift is INCOMPLETE. 

Patience, as my mother tried over and over to teach me, is a VIRTUE. 

So, in this season of Spring, I wait. I wait for the warmth that I know will come. I also wait for the fulfillment of HOPE that has been in my heart for years.

Patience. It is a virtue. 

Happy Spring.

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