Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Consider the Lillies of the Field

The plumber just left. Just left a really big hole in my plaster ceiling that is. I think I mentioned what a mess this house was in when we moved here. We were able to fix the appearance for the most part with primer and paint and the removal of a LOT of horrible carpeting. It took quite a while but we were happy with the fix. Now we are beginning to realize that there were some difficulties that go beyond the looks of the place. Yesterday, for instance, after I took a shower, the water didn't drain. Mike got some drain-o and the snake and the plunger and started in on what he thought was a difficult clog. When I arrived home from the pool with the kids there was water seeping out of my first floor hall ceiling and wall and water pouring out of the basement ceiling. Oh no. Today the plumber came and the only way for him to see what was wrong was to put a hole in the ceiling of our hall (see above picture). Guess what we saw? Duck Tape holding together some of the pipes. Two leaks. We have known that the bath and shower would need replacing when we bought the house. Nolan was four at the time and we had a five year plan. In five years the boys would be in school and old enough to not need me all the time and I'd have had a part time job for some time, giving us the money necessary to fix the bathroom (and the kitchen). Well, here we are five years later and life has turned out a bit different than we planned. The kids are homeschooled and Mike has his own business. This has been such a blessing and I know it is God's plan for our lives. But it also means that it is all but impossible for me to work and we have to pay out of pocket for our health insurance. Doesn't leave a lot of money for fixing up the house. I'm ok with that except when the plumbing explodes!

So, what do we do??? We realize that while there is a hole in the ceiling we may as well bite the bullet and replace the tub. Not our timing, but when has my timing been right. God's timing for sure. I don't understand it, but it will work out.

Anybody want to buy a quilt??? Here's the new one I'm working on. I may try to make this one into a single bed size. It will have a total of five colors of pinwheels: pink, yellow, blue, green and orange. I finished up the pink squares while the plumber was fixing the pipes. Amy and I will be at Eastern Market again this Saturday and hopefully will be at the New Holland Market the next week. I sure hope someone wants to buy my wares. But if not, it will be fabulous fellowship with a good friend who is having her own troubles (car, not plumbing).


Charlotte (WaltzingM) said...

Oh dear! I can't even imagine! Here's hoping tomorrow is better.

I wanted to tell you that the blue on your walls looks almost identical to the blue in my dining room!

amy said...

All will be well, my friend. God will not leave us nor forsake us.

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