Sunday, July 15, 2007

Family Day

Sunday at our house is family day. Well, we've just begun this little practice after we realized how little time we were spending as a family. Although we are often all home, we are not all together. Mike and I decided a few weeks ago that we needed to really carve out a day to spend together as a family. Last week we went on a long hike and today we went to Insect Weekend at our local (I mean 1/2 a block from our house local) museum. Above is an African Millipede being lovingly petted by the boys. I did not know that millipedes have four legs per body section and centipedes have only two per section. Can I count this as a day of school? Below are the boys in there bug-eye glasses. Pretty groovy, huh! We enjoyed a very entertaining flea circus by this fellow below. He had several trained fleas that jumped from a balloon into a small bucket of water, rang a little bell and jumped out of a cannon. Very vaudeville. Another of our favorites was the cockroach races. Number nine was the winner of this particular race. After our afternoon of insects we had dinner on the patio, enjoyed a few games of darts with our newly restocked set of darts (the old ones all broke) and then returned to the ever cooling outdoors for a family game of Skip Bo as the fireflies gathered to say goodnight.


amy said...

sounds fabulous!

volpecircus said...

it sounds absolutely lovely! my children will be upset they missed the trained fleas. :)

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