I think I have the flu. I woke up at midnight last night with a terrible sore throat and I could not get warm. I went to the couch and popped in a movie after taking some Advil. I was able to sleep on and off all night. This morning the aches accompanied the sore throat. Of course, I do not have time to be sick so I continued to take Advil every four hours.We have a showing on Saturday and I decided our steps needed a transformation. No one has done anything to them in 100 years and so they are worn:
When we moved here five years ago I said we would some day refinish the stairs since they could be beautiful. It would have been a tremendous amount of work. So, naturally, we did nothing. I just kept telling people to walk on the outer edge of the stairs so the paint there would start rubbing off. No one listened. Today I decided a trip to Lowe's was in order. After seeing what they had to offer and then going to Carpet Mart and talking to the salesman there I took a trip back to Lowe's. Here's the new look:
I am pleased. Nolan's comment was, "It's too bad we won't get to enjoy this longer." Well, maybe we will if no one buys our house.
On a side note, in my sickened-carpet-buying-haze I totally forgot that most stores don't open until 10am. I had to wait 20 minutes before Carpet Mart opened and so I went to the Salvation Army. I was in need of a new winter coat. Mine is still very warm but it is filthy dirty and falling apart. I was able to find a Land's End jacket for $12. I'm thrilled.
Wow! That looks great!
Very nice.
I hope you are feeling better!
Sorry you dont't feel well. I am amazed you did this the way you were feeling. It looks great!
Hope you feel well soon :)
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