I think St. Francis of Assisi is one of the best saints for children. We have so many stories of his life, especially surrounding him showing God's love to animals. I noticed the boys were carrying their stuffed tigers everywhere we went and when I asked why they told me it was because today was the feast of St. Francis. Today is also my mother's birthday so we woke early and went out to breakfast with my entire family. It was fun and filling! This afternoon, the boys and I did a few activities for St. Francis. First, we refilled the bird feeder which a squirrel immediately knocked over. We refilled and attached it to a stronger branch. The birds, squirrels and a baby bunny have been enjoying the seed mix this afternoon. While I read a story about St. Francis from the book, Brother Wolf, Sister Sparrow, the boys colored in a mosaic of St. Francis. They really worked well together on this until the end when they had differing opinions about how to color the bottom. I finally had to have them pick a number between one and ten to decide whose idea to use. They then began working on these wooden cats which we will attach a prayer for our cats and magnets to hang on the refrigerator. I don't think we'll get this finished today.Finally, I figured out a way to get the head back on our St. Francis garden statue. I used painter's caulk. As you can see, St. Francis has seen better days but I just couldn't get rid of him. I think I'll try to paint the whole statue. Black seems to be an odd color to me so I may try to paint him white. Any ideas about this?All in all it was a good day. Our parish has it's annual Campfire Mass this evening at the county park. We aren't able to camp overnight this year but always enjoy the fellowship and Mass under the stars.
1 comment:
i'm voting for a shade of grey for st. francis. something that will look stone like.
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