Thursday, February 9, 2012


February. It has never been my favorite month. The days are short, cold and dark. It seems an eternity since the joy of Christmas. Lent begins and so Easter is also only a glimmer in the distance. February is, I think, the most perfect month for Lent. A time to go inside yourself for reflection. A time to let go of the world for a while and discover the spark that brings our purpose into light.

Today is the first day of my new adventure. I quit my job and enrolled in a Montessori teacher training program. It feels fitting to be doing this now, amidst the mid-winter gloom for some reason. Seems easier to sit and study by the fire with a blanket across my knees. 

Of course, being job-less for the time being also brings the other projects to the forefront that I have ignored for the past 10 months. Sewing and organizing and cleaning and getting ready for the garden.

A new start.

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