Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Easter Sewing and the Garden

I've just completed my Easter top. I'm pretty pleased with it. I've never worked with Brocade before. It is a little slippery but not as much as some fabrics. I think the thickness of the fabric helped. My fingers are a little rough from guitar playing, appliqué sewing and gardening so they would catch on the smooth fabric. Just not something I ever thought about before. I feel a little like a peasant (which I don't mind too much)!
 I spent yesterday working on the back yard again. We got a second load of mulch and I finished mulching around the garden. I also filled in the blueberry bed and found, much to my chagrin, a little tuft of bamboo growing in the middle of my lilac bush. I spent about a half hour digging through the roots of the lilac bush with a screwdriver to find the bamboo rhizome only to realize there was no way I could remove it. I covered it all up hoping the lack of sun and my diligence will keep it at bay. I'm planning to work on the beds beside the sunroom today if the rain holds off. It's supposed to be 70 degrees today which is wonderful but they are also calling for thunderstorms which isn't a type of weather I want to work in!

1 comment:

Karen said...

Wow! That top and the garden are just beautiful!

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