Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Again with the garden....bugs this time

 The above photo is one of my broccoli plants. It's growing nicely which makes me happy. I started noticing a lot of holes in the leaves which did not make me happy. Upon closer inspection I noticed the little green feller using my plant as his own personal all-he-can-eat buffet. Look right in the middle of the lower part of the leaf for him.
 You can see him a little better on this photo. He's a cabbage white worm. He and his family and friends have discovered my garden. So, what's a girl to do?
 Pick and squash. It's a good thing I'm not squeamish. I'm thinking this might be a good project for the boys. Those little worms are hard to see but they really wreak havok on the broccoli and bok choy.
You can see how much they've eaten on this plant. Now that I'm in the worm sleuthing business, I think my plants will fair much better. It's actually nice to get down to plant level and notice all the niceties. I love how the leaves start out in the center all curled up and light green. It's amazing to be able to take the time to notice all the ways each plant is growing and the differences among them. I think this will be my new lunch time job. 

Hope your lunch was a good one today. Mike and I had BLT's with homegrown tomatoes, local lettuce, homemade bread and happy bacon (that's what we call our woodlands pigs). Now I have a hankering for corn on the cob. All these goodies will be gone soon so I want to enjoy them now!

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